To save or not to save? In time of crisis it not only seems to be the general question but also the answer for our desire to find some extra money from a little income and much spending.
As the proverb says: SAVE MONEY, LIVE BETTER!
Here you will find a top 5 tricks in order to save money when living in our daily routine. Enjoy them and try to practice!
1. I know this piece of advice can sound like trivial but pay attention, please...
TURN OFF THE TELEVISION!!! Watching less television is an important way to save money and you'll find lots of financial benefits:
- Less exposition to ads. The only one purpose of advertisement is selling, marketing and merchandising. Try to focus on other things in life. Your life quality will increase!
- Less electrical use. If you think how much advantage you take of having the television on all the day, you'll notice it is non-existing. Wasting electricity taking into account the price of it... should be forbidden!
2. WRITE A LIST BEFORE YOU GO SHOPPING, AND STICK TO IT. You shouldnot go into the supermarket without a strong idea of what you want to buy when in there. The spending in necessary food is not high in comparison with the spending in unnecessary things (such as snacks, frizzy drinks...) we buy so as to full the trolley.
3. GET RID OF UNREAD MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS and CANCEL UNUSED CLUB MEMBERSHIPS. The best example is the gym membership... The number of members of a gym largely exceeds the number of attendants. If you think can may not go or may go little it is better to cancel the membership. It means a monthly spending that would mean an important quantity of money at the end of the year and would considerably increase your saving.
4. MAKE YOUR OWN GIFTS INSTEAD OF BUYING THEM FROM THE SHOP. Handcrafts have a material and symbolic value that will appeal your friends and relatives more than anything you can buy. This involves your homemade touch, the time you dedicate in the creation of something for the target person and the original exclusivity of the gift.
5. DON'T GO TO SHOPPING CENTERS JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT. It will make you fall into compulsive consumption even if you thought you didn't do it. The appealing presentation of the products as a need mixed with your leisure time usually means extra spending.
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