The birth of these twins have been printed and shown by many newspapers. Here you can see what was said about these brothers who were born.
Their names are Ryan and Leo and when they arrived they were an extra surprise for their parents.
For one twin to be black and one to be white is so rare that is thought to be a one in a million event. Anyway, it hasn't been the first time the world has lived something like this.
Her mother, Florence, hails from Ghana (West Africa) while their father, Stephan, is German. They said that the most important thing is they were healthy and the different colouring of the babies was surprising, one more reason to smile and be happy.
As you can imagine, the children caused a sensation at the Hospital, the doctor who treated children and mother confirmed that in twenty years of practice it was the first time he saw something like this.
People says the babies have revealed different personalities. The white one (Ryan) is defined as "spirit" while his twin brother (Leo) is calm.
They have got an eighteen-year-old brother.
1. Have you heard about this event?
2. Is "race" an obvious factor (think they are twin brothers!) in those children?